Abbreviations used

 BOEL               Binding Occupational Exposure Limits (BOELs).
 CAS number           The CAS number is the unique identification number for chemical and biological substances. CAS stands for Chemical
 Abstracts Service.
 Ceiling limit  Maximum permitted value.
 CMR / S  CMR substances are carcinogenic, mutagenic or harmful to reproduction. S stands for sensitising: can cause allergies.
 DMEL  Derived Minimal Effect Level (DMEL). The OEL below which the risk of cancer is considered acceptable.
 DNEL  Derived No-Effect Level. The value above which people should not be exposed to the chemical.
 EU number  EU identification number for chemicals.
 GR  Health Council of the Netherlands [Gezondheidsraad].
 GSW  Occupational Exposure Limits for Substances in the Workplace or Committee for Occupational Exposure Limits for Substances in the   Workplace.
 Skin notation  Substances with a skin notation can be easily absorbed by the skin.
 IOEL  International Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs).
 ISO name  Standard name of the substance. Refers to the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO).
 MAC values  MAC stands for Maximum Acceptable Concentrations. This term was used in the system prior to 1 January 2007.
 OCR  Public Draft Report [Openbaar Concept Rapport] (of the Health Council of the Netherlands)
 REACH  European Union regulation for the protection of the environment and human health. REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation,   Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals.
 SCOEL  Scientific Committee for Occupational Exposure Limits (EU).
 SZW  Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment [Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid].
 TWA-8h  a time-weighted average for the eight-hour working day.
 TWA-15min  a time-weighted average for a period of 15 minutes.