Inviting SER President Kim Putters

The president of the Social and Economic Council receives dozens of invitations a week, for example to deliver a speech, take receipt of a book, or visit an organisation. The president appreciates these invitations. As he receives so many, he must be very selective about the ones he accepts.

If you would like to invite the President, please read and note the following points before completing the form. You will then know the criteria that an invitation has to meet.

What are the reasons behind your invitation?

Be sure to state the reasons clearly in your invitation. What is expected of the president? Why is this a good time to meet the President or to ask him to address your meeting or visit your organisation? What does your organisation or event have in common with the Council and its work? Why would it be advantageous for the President to accept your invitation?

When should you send an invitation?

Please try to send your request two to three months beforehand or else as far in advance of your meeting as possible. You will receive a reply in approximately one to two weeks, so that you know in good time whether the President has accepted your invitation. Invitations sent at the last minute are virtually impossible to fit into his schedule.

Form to invite SER President

The event

Event programme

Personal data of the contact person


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© Jerry Lampen